Voting OPEN for the 24 Hour Songwriting Challenge 2020

Over the Easter weekend songwriters were challenged to write a brand new song within 24 hours inspired by a work of art in the Threshold Festival visual arts gallery.
When the 24 hours were up 23 songwriters (if only there’d been one more!) had submitted a song.
All of the entries are now online in a Liverpool Acoustic YouTube channel playlist.
The YouTube description for each video contains:-
- The entry number
- The name of the songwriter(s) and the title of the song
- The name of the artist whose work inspired the song, and a link to an image of the art
- The song lyrics
Below is a list of the entries with links to the songs on YouTube.
1 | Richard Featherstone. (The Boy Who Stares At Clouds) | No More Plastic Than Fish |
2 | Kevin Eustace | Philosophers Tables |
3 | Lawrence James Langton | Kaleidoscope of Life |
4 | Gareth Porter | Fallen Angel |
5 | Jamie Suffield | Can You Hear Me? |
6 | Katie Mac | The Fix |
7 | Chris Whitfield | Listen To His Prayer |
8 | John Armstrong and Ultan Mulhern (The Folk Doctors) | Know Your Place |
9 | Jennifer Hyman (Jenem) | Stone’s Throw Away |
10 | David Holden | Bad Score |
11 | Michael Callaghan | Rock Music |
12 | Tia Morris | Scars of Growth |
13 | Chris M Rice | Don’t Worry |
14 | Simon Monaghan | Five Floors Up |
15 | Amber Jay | Not My Words |
16 | Paul Henry | Dancing With Our Chains On |
17 | Kate Williams | Another Way |
18 | Sophia and Dave Criddle | Flowers In Her Hair |
19 | John Jenkins | The Day June Woke Up And Found All The Trees Had Disappeared |
20 | Gordon Swift | Nothing Lasts Forever |
21 | Rachel Burnett | Rain |
22 | Emily Callacher | My Circus Mind |
23 | Rog Valentin | Mellowtone |
In normal times the entrants would have performed their songs in front of a live audience at Threshold Festival, with a panel of judges choosing the winning song. But these are far from normal times.
So instead we’re asking the public to listen to all of the songs, read the lyrics, look at the art that inspired them, then vote for their favourite.
Voting is open for 7 days, closing on Friday 24th April.
The winner will be announced on Saturday 25th.